Chin Liposuction

    What is Chin Liposuction?

    Two is normally better than one… but not when it comes to our chins. Excess fat and skin under the chin, often called the “double chin,” can lower your confidence and make you feel less pleased with your self-image.

    Luckily, plastic surgery can help. Liposuction is a common plastic surgery procedure that seeks to remove excess fat and tighten the skin in certain areas of the body. And your chin is an area that liposuction can treat.

    Chin liposuction, also known as chin reduction surgery or submental lipectomy, is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from the chin area. The chin is one of the most difficult areas to lose weight in and it can be very frustrating if you have tried dieting and exercise without success.

    Who are candidates for Chin Liposuction?

    The best candidates for Chin Liposuction include patients who:

    1. Have realistic expectations about the results of this procedure
    2. Be physically healthy enough to withstand the stress of the surgery
    3. Have realistic expectations about how much time will be required for healing
    4. Not smoke cigarettes or use tobacco products
    5. Have realistic expectations regarding downtime following the procedure

    Chin liposuction are generally performed on patients who have had previous cosmetic procedures such as facelifts, tummy tucks, or breast augmentation. Patients who have had these surgeries may not require additional procedures to achieve their desired result. However, some people choose to combine chin liposuction with other body contouring procedures such as thigh lifts, arm lifts, and waistline reductions.

    What Are The Benefits Of Chin Liposuction?

    There are many reasons why someone would want to consider getting a chin liposuction. Some of them include:

    1. To improve facial shape by removing stubborn pockets of fat under the jaw line
    2. To remove double chins
    3. To reduce jowls
    4. To smooth out wrinkles around the mouth
    5. To remove sagging skin from the neck
    6. To remove large amounts of fat that has been deposited in the neck area over time
    7. To create more space between the chin and upper lip
    8. To enhance the appearance of your jawline and cheekbones
    9. To make your face appear slimmer
    10. To eliminate unsightly dimples and folds under the chin

    What Is The Main Advantage Of Having Chin Liposuction?

    The main advantage of chin liposuction is that it allows patients to remove unwanted fat deposits while leaving the natural structure of the face intact. This means that the patient’s jawline, cheekbones, and neck will remain visible and attractive. Another benefit of chin liposuction includes the fact that it doesn’t involve cutting into muscle tissue like traditional liposuction does. As a result, there is less risk involved with the procedure.

    What Are The Risks Chin Liposuction?

    Although chin liposuction is generally considered relatively safe, there are risks associated with any type of surgery. As with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk of infection, bleeding, nerve injury, and reaction to anesthesia among other things. Before having chin liposuction, consider these facts about the risks involved with the procedure.

    1. Risks Related To Anesthesia: Risks related to anesthesia can include allergic reactions, heart problems, lung disease, and death. A person’s overall health and physical condition prior to surgery influences his or her risk tolerance to general anesthesia. Pregnant women should notify their doctor if they plan to undergo chin liposuction.
    2. Risks Of Complications: Although complications occur rarely with chin liposuction, they can happen. Fortunately, many of them are minor and easily treatable. Some examples include temporary numbness or tingling, superficial skin infections, and lumps or bumps near the treatment site.
    3. Possible Side Effects: Side effects vary greatly between individuals. These side effects can affect appearance, self-confidence, and breathing. Common side effects include uneven facial contours, depression, loss of sensation, drooping jawline, and difficulty chewing or swallowing.
    4. Multiple Treatments May Be Needed: If you want fuller lips or more dramatic results, we recommend that you schedule multiple treatments at least one month apart. This allows the body to fully absorb the first round of liposuction before performing additional rounds.
    5. Unwanted Results: As mentioned above, not all patients achieve the desired aesthetic improvement following chin liposuction alone. Other procedures such as cheek augmentation or neck lift may be necessary to achieve the best overall result.

    How Is Chin Liposuction Performed?

    First, your plastic surgeon will determine the best course of sedation for your procedure. For a chin liposuction, you may only need local anesthesia around the neck and chin so that you remain comfortable. However, it may also be best to use IV sedation and put you unconscious for the duration.

    The length of time that it takes to perform a chin liposuction procedure varies depending upon the number of areas being treated. Chin liposuction procedures usually last about an hour and can be performed using local anesthesia or intravenous sedation.

    After that, small incisions will be made under your chin just large enough for a hollow instrument called a cannula to be inserted inside. This will loosen up excess fat so that it can be extracted with a vacuum or a syringe.

    It’s as simple as that! The wounds will be closed and you may be given a special chin strap to help support your neck as the wound heals.

    What Is Chin Liposuction Recovery Like?

    It’s important to understand how much rest you need after undergoing a chin liposuction. You should avoid strenuous activity until your chin liposuction wounds have healed and no longer appear red or swollen. After the procedure, you may experience mild bruising and swelling.

    Many of our patients report resuming full activities within 2-3 days of their chin liposuction procedure. However, each case is unique, so consult with your surgeon to determine exactly what you can do after chin liposuction.

    Swelling typically goes away within two weeks, but some people may require up to six weeks to recover. If you notice excessive pain or discomfort, seek immediate attention by contacting your physician.  In general, you should refrain from working out for approximately three weeks after your chin liposuction.